class 4-3-13
Agenda Quiz Plot/Word questions Comedy (Genre) and Carnival Reading and Performing Merry Wives Quiz Other than Falstaff, name a character in Merry Wives of Windsor whom we’ve met before in Henry V. When the play begins, what or who…

class 4-1-13
Agenda Quiz Plot/Word Questions Desire and Patriarchy in Synetic Tempest and play text Discussion of Act 5 Thinking about Performance Quiz 9 When Prospero has his brother, Alonso and Alonso’s brother in his control, what does he do to them?…

class 3-27-13
Quiz 8 What was unique about the floor of the stage for the Synetic Tempest? What musical instrument did Ariel play? In addition to music, what kind of material came out of that instrument? Unlike Shakespeare’s play, this Tempest…
class 3-25-13
Agenda Go over essay 2 assignment Quiz 8 Plot/langauge questions/Practice Reading Tempest Synetic Tempest Discussion Quiz 8 What was unique about the floor of the stage for the Synetic Tempest? What musical instrument did Ariel play? In addition to…
Class 3-20-13
Agenda Essay 2 – SparkNotes Quiz 7 Reading the Margins (the main idea) Practice Reading The Tempest Discussion of The Tempest Quiz 7 1. How do the Italian nobles end up on the island? 2. How did Prospero end…
class 3-18-13
Agenda Papers, Midterms, Revised Schedule, Synetic Tempest and Other House Keeping Quiz 6 Discussion of Performance Terms and Concepts Scenes From Branagh’s Henry V More discussion of play — Reading the Margins (the main idea) Quiz 6 1. What does…
class 2-27-13
Agenda Preview Midterm Quiz and Plot/Sentence Questions Types of Literary Interest and Analysis for Shakespeare Studies Character and Plot Midterm 5 quiz-like questions @ 1pt each = 5 points 5 literary terms/concepts: define and apply @ 5 pts each =…
class 2-20-13
Agenda Quiz Word/Plot Questions Reading Practice Cards Staging Henry 2.2.125-143 Quiz 1. What danger does Henry confront even before he leaves for France? 2. How does Henry deal with this danger? 3. In a word or two, describe Pistol. 4. …

class 2-18-13
Agenda Plot/Sentence questions? Genre of Henry V Background English history to Henry V English versus Roman History Shakespeare’s Language Close Reading Essay: Discussion and Exchange [gview file=”” profile=”3″]

class 2-13-13
Agenda Questions About Assignment / Where to Find Stuff For It Quiz Plot Questions Some Dropped Threads Gender and Sexuality in the Play Literary Terms Julie Taymore’s Titus (with discussion of play’s end) Quiz 1. When captured, whose life…