Was Henry V a Good King?
King Henry V was a young and an inexperience king. Whatever someone says, he believes really quick. Like the Bishop of Canterbury and Bishop of Ely told him to go to war with France and he agreed to it He doesn’t have the…
Aaron Vs. the Archbishop of Canterbury & the Bishop of Ely
Aaron from Titus Andronicus and Bishop of Canterbury and Bishop of Ely from Henry V play a similar role. They both created misunderstanding for their benefits. It was Aaron who gave Chiron and Demetrius the idea to rape Lavinia, which…
Henry V and Influence
The political mutiny proposed by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Ely gives a feeling of foreshadowing to what will occur later in the play. The clergymen wish to derail the nominated laws as it is simply bad for business on…

class 2-18-13
Agenda Plot/Sentence questions? Genre of Henry V Background English history to Henry V English versus Roman History Shakespeare’s Language Close Reading Essay: Discussion and Exchange [gview file=”https://robertmatz.com/mason/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/class-2-18-131.ppt” profile=”3″]
The contradiction of clergymen and war
Heidi Hanania From general knowledge, it can be said that clergymen are usually supposed to be tied to peace, telling the truth, and helping others. However, it is quite interesting to see how, in Scenes 1 and 2 of…
Literary Terms and Concepts
Alliteration – The repetition of initial consonant sounds. For example: “the wild and wasteful ocean” (Henry V, 3.2.14). Assonance – The repetition of vowel sounds. For example: “Thus with imagined wing our swift scene flies” (Henry V, Chorus 3.1). (The…

class 2-13-13
Agenda Questions About Assignment / Where to Find Stuff For It Quiz Plot Questions Some Dropped Threads Gender and Sexuality in the Play Literary Terms Julie Taymore’s Titus (with discussion of play’s end) Quiz 1. When captured, whose life…
Titus vs. Tamora
The common battle between the hero and the villain is a classic in any storytelling but I find it very complex in the case of Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus. I feel to call Titus a hero is wrong in the sense…
Words containing within themselves antithetical meanings
Examples: “Apparent” can mean “obvious” or “seeming, but in fact not”. “Awful” can mean “worthy of awe” or “very bad”. “Back” can mean “regressive” as in “to go back in time”, or it can mean “progressive” as in “to push…
class 2-11-13
Agenda: Quiz Plot Review Assignment 1 Literary Terms Discussion of play: gender, race, spectacle Quiz 2 1. What body part does Titus give up to save his sons’ lives? 2. Titus does not get his sons returned to him. What…