class 3-25-13

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Go over essay 2 assignment
Quiz 8
Plot/langauge questions/Practice Reading Tempest
Synetic Tempest Discussion


Quiz 8

  1. What was unique about the floor of the stage for the Synetic Tempest?
  2. What musical instrument did Ariel play?
  3. In addition to music, what kind of material came out of that instrument?
  4. Unlike Shakespeare’s play, this Tempest did not begin with the storm, but rather with what?
  5. What was the dominant color associated with the costumes of Caliban and Sycorax?

Bonus 1:  When Ferdinand, conversing with Miranda in act 3, refers to himself as a “log-man” to what is he referring?

Bonus 2: If the Ferdinand of the Synetic Tempest were to name himself in the same way as Ferdinand in the text of Shakespeare’s play calls himself a “log-man,” what might this the Synetic Ferdinand call himself?